Dokuz Eylül Mahallesi 343/1 Sokak No:6 Gaziemir / İzmir



Barocard owner and system registered wives and children and trainee
Turkey Bar Association lawyers treatment help
within the scope of İzmir Private Acute Cardiovascular Hospital
they will get free treatment services.
Our hospital in Turkey with representatives of the Bar Association, Izmir Bar Association's treatment at home
services purchase contracts signed.
Signature ceremony hosted by Izmir Bar Association; İzmir Bar Association President Av. Aydın Ozcan, President
Assistant's Av. Mustafa Cetin, Secretary General Av. A. Şakir Uzun, Treasurer Av. Nilay Ertem Durlu,
Management, Discipline and Supervisory Board members, delegates BAT, Turkey Bar Association President
Chief Advisor Av. Zafer Köken, TBB Social Assistance and Solidarity Fund Director Abdurrahman
Karip and many lawyers attended.
Within the scope of agreements; lawyers and intern lawyers, seven institutions mentioned above
hospital, inpatient treatment and oncology
the entire Social Assistance and Solidarity Fund (SYDF) for health services in remote treatments,
they may be treated on special terms without paying any fee to be met by
Remotely treated as a sick paying service with very favorable discount conditions
Will receive.
The lawyer spouse and children who are registered by registering with the system are also subject to the same conditions
Will benefit.
* Turkey Bar Association of Social Assistance and Solidarity Fund Regulation guidelines described in No. 1 and 3
Exceptions are excluded.
For more information: is